
In the silence of a voice much of all is told…

The cry from deep in the soul…

Reaches out to God… 

The only one that knows…

The one in control…

Who knows the best…

Who knows ALL…


In A Moment

In a moment
Where the silence abides
My heart quietly gives you its time
When words don’t have
It’s smooth flow
I lay in Your presence
Waiting on You, Oh Lord!
In a momnent
Where roads to take
Seem to have unclear ways
I hold on to Your hand
Let Your Spirit lead the way
When I can’t handle another step
I cried to You
You carry me
Renew my strength
In a moment
Where caos surrounds
My heart overwhelms
Distress in me abounds
I accept the peace
You spoke about
In a moment
When I think all hope is gone
I go back to the moment
Where in your presence
I was renewed
I grew strong


The Night


It’s in the night
Where all things lie
The thoughts that surround
Our troubling minds

Is in its silence
One can discern
The truth of what happens
All during the day

No matter what type of night it might be
Starry or cloudy in darkness all does the same
Brings us down to our knees
Showing us that it is time to pray

There we ask of the future
We pour out our feelings of inside
To Him who knows and restores
Our God who brings to our mourn a glorious sunshine

Photo & Poetry