Liar In Me

There’s a liar in me

In deep fantasies it sinks

My most desires

As if I don’t know

What better to choose from

From what the world gives

And what I receive from God

But he does know

Yet he keeps me in the shadow

Of what really has value

In my life

To serve God with all my heart

It takes the truth

And changes all

Creating false pretensions 

Of what is pleasing to God

When revealing truth

Shows that God’s way, not mine

Is the truth

But I let him stay

The liar inside of me 

Robbing my true joy everyday

The joy that comes from Him

I fight, but seems I can’t 

Win over a battle to live in truth

And not in lies

I sink deeply in sorrow of all that I wish

The liberty I no longer have

Since this liar in me came to abide

The precious presence of my Lord and king

I long for to find

Oh how I wish 

The liar would depart

To cast him out 

To live in light

Of the One who says always to me

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life

You can only come to the Father by me.


Es Momento

Nunca el pecado traerá bendición

Sino una aparente satisfacción en obtener lo deseado

Pero llegara el momento 

En el que los ojos serán abiertos 

Lo verdadero será expuesto

Para todos ver

Que en la aparente bendición

Hay una triste condenación

Porque Dios es Dios de Santidad

Su Palabra la guía eternal

Prueba directa que el pecado no aceptara

No importa con cuanta piedad

Quieran enmascararlo

Para Dios pecado es pecado

Es momento de arrepentimiento

De tener los ojos bien abiertos 

A lo que Dios desea en nuestras vidas

No una vida de hipocresía

Sino de Santidad, verdad y sometimiento

Que aun cuando arrecien los vientos

Firmes en Cristo podamos estar

Es esa Su prioridad

No la de nuestros carnales deseos

No nos apoyemos en nuestra propia prudencia

No vivamos a ciegas

Pensando todo en pecado va a marchar bien

Por que bien dice la Palabra,

“Alejados de Mi NADA podéis hacer”


En Este Dia

Aunque la higuera no florezca, Ni en las vides haya frutos, Aunque falte el producto del olivo, Y los labrados no den mantenimiento, Y las ovejas sean quitadas de la majada, Y no haya vacas en los corrales; Con todo, yo me alegraré en Jehová, Y me gozaré en el Dios de mi salvación. Jehová el Señor es mi fortaleza, El cual hace mis pies como de ciervas, Y en mis alturas me hace andar. Al jefe de los cantores, sobre mis instrumentos de cuerdas. (‭Habacuc‬ ‭3‬:‭17-19‬ RVR1960)

Aunque nada estés viendo y todo se vea perdido ten plena confianza que Tu Dios que te AMA no te dejara jamas!!!!
El esta contigo! Y aunque te falte todo lo material Su presencia sustentara tu alma y será llena tu vida de plenitud espiritual!!!
Dice con TODO Yo me alegrare en Jehova!!! Alégrate de lo que tienes y aun mas alégrate de lo que aun te falta!!! Por que en todo Dios esta pendiente y NO te dejara sino que proveerá hasta que sobre abunde tanto lo espiritual como material! CREELE!!!! Dios esta trabajando!!!

On This Day: Hide In His Presence

But He Himself withdrew [in retirement] to the wilderness (desert) and prayed. (‭Luke‬ ‭5‬:‭16‬ AMP)

God brought this passage to my heart for the Sunday service this past week. When I came across it the revelation within confronted me in a deep way.  It brought me to question my walk with God and my position in my intimacy with Him. 
Was I taking the time as Jesus did to withdraw myself from everyday things to be with Him? Or have I let distractions and people take my focus from seeking what is unperishable and eternal? It didn’t take me long to find the answer. I just had to examine my attitudes, decisions and behaviors. They said alot.
I don’t know about you, but doesn’t it feel our lives are so overwhelmed by things, events and others that our intimacy with God gets hindered? 
Jesus faced this challenge too! He was well known and followed by so many. Even in the midst of this He realized He needed time to be alone with God. It says that He himself – that shows a decision that Jesus made. It was not something based on feelings, but on the understanding of the need of replenishment of the presence of God in his life. Jesus, being the Son of God in flesh understood that for him to continue clinging to God He needed to be in His presence.  Without spiritual replenishment in intimacy with God we can not survive the fight against the snares of the enemy. It is the time we take to be alone to fast and pray to God where our flesh is submitted to the spirit. We get prepared and stregthened spiritually. 
Do you ever think about the last time you took aside to be ALONE with God? 
When was the last time you seperated yourself from all the wordly situations to go boldly to the Throne of Grace and ask God to fill you?
We are living in times where the enemy brings to our lives more and more ways to distract us from seperating ourselves to be with God. 
On this day make the decision to take time to be alone with God. I can assure you will not be the same.
God bless you! Y.R.

A Heart


I have asked for a new heart
One more grounded
Less apart
From Your Word
From Your presence and grace
One that will be keen
To the direction You bring
To everything in my life
A healed and healthy heart
Not one in pieces
With broken pieces bonded tight
I want a new one
No residual of scars 
Of what I’ve gone through life
A heart that separates what is real from false
A heart that trusts only in You, oh Lord
A heart that will not open
To no random person in wind
But open to the one You have separated for me
A new heart I plea!
Change mine is not in one piece
For You are the healer
The Divine doctor that gives me the heart
That at Your rhythm will beat…




Sometimes the best and only thing we can do is abide in the presence of the Lord. 

On this day abide in Him who is your refuge and shield.

Abide in His everlasting love that fills you. 

Abide in His peace. 

Abide knowing that above all things He will never leave you or forsake you. 

The Right Choice

I went through so much

Thinking in my strength 
I would be strong
But it failed…
I thought I could be bold
Not wanting something back
God had already from my side dispose
My pride was hurt 
And my emotions blown
Just to realize 
Wanting this was not worth it
It was just wrong!
That since the beginning 
I made the right choice
To be a servant of the High God
To step away from the damage source…
And now as time has passed
I made the mistake of reminising the past
Thinking something was there
I came empty handed
Blinded by the enemy’s snare
Of broken dreams
Whose pieces can never be restored
Instead of asking God for new ones to keep on…
This is on me
The fault lies now within
For allowing myself to even think
That this was all that was for me
The truth is so far from what I have seen
I learned in this journey
That I deserve better
That I am worthy 
Of being treated like a queen…
That some people are never meant to stay
The longer their time
The slower comes the tide 
That wipes all the pain away…
Now a lesson is being learned
Of my value
And the blind who came
That took me for granted
And forgot of the priviledge 
They had to know me one day
I don’t speak in pride
But all in humble truth
For I am priviledge to keep walking with God
And not depart from His side; I choose…
Choosing the will of God
Over mine I never regret
For God gives me everything
That no empty man for me can obtain…
Now my eyes are opened 
True light I see
His protecting power has been over me
From a greater mistake farther along
God showed He has something greater 
For I am His daughter
The daughter of the Most High God…


In the silence of a voice much of all is told…

The cry from deep in the soul…

Reaches out to God… 

The only one that knows…

The one in control…

Who knows the best…

Who knows ALL…



I am talking to you, self,
You who takes my emotions
On a spinning motion
At an incontrollable speed
Oh indeed I can’t much understand
How you take me to the top
Where desperation crawls 
And covers me with no place to run
Oh you, who thinks to know it all!
My inner self, the controlling troll!
Not consulting, not pondering
But in a lack of truth resolving
Attacks every situation at its own will
Just to find
The cruel truth 
That abiding by his own thinking 
Nothing comes right
Even if it seems at first
The impulses of not consulting
The One who is the Beginning and End
Brings disillusion of what I think is best.
Oh if I could put a muzzle on your mouth!
Wrap you in chains to control you about
That I would have dominion to direct
And not you directing my every step
There is only one way
I’ll bring you up still wrapped in those chains
To the Holy Spirit who knows how to tame
Every bit of your own selfish desires
I’ll use the Word as a constant reminder
That you don’t control my every move
That my word and action will be in truth
Grounded on certainty of the knowledge 
That Jesus is my Lord 

I will obey Him and not you!


Blowing Up

My heart is blowing up

My thoughts can’t go no more
I can’t find a stop
I have to find an exit in all
Oh how I wish I find
The exit to uncertainty inside
I want to break free
Be myself, the real me
The one, You, God created to be
I want to laugh 
Laugh again so hard
Surrounded by the joy
The one Your Spirit in me overflows
I need a moment
A long one to reflect
To think, organize, forget
All these emotions inside
Lord, please help
I need Your power divine
That soothing no human balm can give
That marvellous touch
Surrounding me with Your love so big
It is You!
Only You I need!
Its Your presence I seek!
For I know tears now dont cease
But with one touch from You
I will smile again
I’ll be truly free



I wish you would seek
So diligently the presence of God
As you do worldly things
That your attention would gear more to the Word
That a strong rhythm of faith
Synchronizes with your heart’s beat
That your mind would be steadfast
In the truth of the Word
In the love of Christ who died for you
That you will never drift away
Oh how I long that you would comprehend
The great deliverance and peace
If you trust Him would obtain
That every dark moment
Is Him working in you
Whether you see it now
Or just not have a clue
That every situation that comes as a dismay
It is Him showing He is the only Way
Only for one reason He does this to you
So you lift up your eyes and realize
He is the only Way, Life and Truth

Google Picture

A Love

I love you
Eventhough it hurts
All the pain
Did not blow my love away
It is still beating
Strong with each pulse
Strong love you don’t know
It is not human to love again
When wounds cover
Still opened in dismay
It is a love only from Divine
A love only given by JesusChrist
The love that trascended
Time and space
Overpassing any hurt and pain
A love given so freely to me
Even when I don’t succeed
I have the unconditional fountain of love
That is God in me


I Will Not Forget You

“Can a woman forget her nursing child, And not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, Yet I will not forget you. (‭Isaiah‬ ‭49‬:‭15‬ NKJV)

All the time people are coming in and out of our lives. There are some that do not want to be part of it. They simply walk away. Then there are others that push us away. Not because we have done wrong, but simply because they do not know how to handle to be around us anymore. This is not about us. It’s their own internal battle that pushes us away. Is their survival mechanism.

In this particular dilemma we get stuck. It is hard to deal with rejection, abandonment and forgetfulness. We do not understand why they have rejected us, have pushed us away or have simply forgotten us. It hurts because we do not want to be rejected. We don’t want to be forgotten like we were just a mere leaf that the wind blew by. Unfortunately, it does happened, and the enemy likes to take advantage of those situations to drill in our minds how worthless we are. That them forgetting is a sign how inexistent or little meaning you had in their lives.

Guess what? That is not true! People do not determine our worth! Them forgetting about you and leaving you in the air cannot control your mind with unnecessary frustration. Them choosing to forget cannot control. You know why? God says that even when people forget us or the good we have done in their lives God doesn’t forget us! How wonderful is that!
Isaiah described it like a mother that cannot forget her child. How much more precious are we to Lord Almighty! We are His children and He cares for us. Even when loneliness and abandonment wants to sink us in a whole of desperation and worthlessness God says it is not like that. Man can hurt, walk away and forget but our everlasting God will not forget us. He said I will not leave you or forsake you.

Be assured brothers and sisters that God is still present. Even when everyone has deserted you and may have even forgotten your name God says, “Yet, I will not forget you.”


Your Word

When my mind rumbles
And I tend to over think
I will ground my thoughts
In your Word of peace

When I see darkness
Surround and abound
The lamp unto my feet
Takes all darkness out

When the battle gets stronger
And weakened I get
I meditate on your Word
That increases my strength

When I do not know
The road to pick
I’ll cling to Your Word to guide
To do what is pleasing to Thee



There are lessons in life
We need to learn
One is to submit to God
Dispite all hurt and pain
To surrender our will
For God’s perfect way
To allow His purpose
To be our gain
Not to look at the present or
The past circumstance
That distorts the glorious future
God designed for us to have
That all soon passes
In its due time
Healing is received guided by His hand
Even when we don’t all understand
Our knowledge in the process increases
When we choose to trust
And in God rely


A Thought

There are times I do not know how to keep on…
I look up and call upon the name of Jesus!
Then, only then is my spirit lifted up, my strength renewed and by hope restored.

Simple – God hears and will lift you up

I Look To Him

I will look beyond
I will see the greatness of God
Where my peace lies
And my comfort stays
Where I don’t fear trouble
Where I am not dismayed
I will look to Him
Who saved my soul
The Eternal and gracious
Jesus, our Lord
Whom to all the praise has to be
My Christ, My Saviour, My King



Oh my!
Why do I do the things I do!😡
I need to trust God!
Not myself!
Not what I see!
Not what I think!
I’m such an idiot!
Why don’t I learn!
That God has His own way of doing things!
That His way will bring blessing not grief!
I don’t know what to do!
I want to trust You Lord!
I want to trust Your ways!
But when I get closer I drift away
Now I repent of my awful attitude and disregard
Of thinking I could do more than Your power and might
I surrender my “I” that tends to disregard
All that You have taught me through Your Word Divine
I surrender my all
I need to remember in all
Your ways are always better than mine.


Esperare toda mi vida sabiendo que en Tus manos estoy seguro…

Pensando en esto medito sobre donde esta mi seguridad.
Esta en la circunstancias o en Jehova?
Esta en mis méritos o en el único que merece crédito por mi vida, Cristo?
Que seguridad me puede el mundo dar?
Donde podre yo hallar la paz que tanto anhelo?

La contestación a todo es CRISTO!

Colosenses 1:17 Y él es antes de todas las cosas, y todas las cosas en él.

Es El quien nos da seguiridad y fortaleza. Creelo hoy todo esta en El. La seguridad mas grande es saber que Dios estara siempre a nuestro lado.

You Will Make It

Thinking about God my heart sinks
Yes, it sinks.
I am confronted with myself
I realize His greatness and eternal love
I stare in awe
Of my sinful condition
How He sent Christ to cleanse me from all
I meditate on His Word
Every letter; every phrase
Knocking at my heart
Asking to abide
So its work may start.

Then there comes my troubles
My mind wants to influence
What God Himself has said
It’s the best for my life
Surrendering to Christ
Letting Him change inside
It’s that battle that takes my peace
I, knowing what is good to me
Choosing things that break me
Not nourish me
Spiritually, I mean.

Then my soul ponders some more
On His grace
The one we don’t deserve
Why? Why would He be like that?
When my sinful nature reveals that
I keep failing Him
No righteous in me
It doesn’t matter to Him
The times my sinfulness makes me sink
His loving grace lifts me
I am certainly not perfect at all
But to His grace I cling all day long
For when I can’t He says I am here
I will carry you through
You will make it, My Dear.
